Spring courses
Put a Spring in your step
The Spring-term runs from March to the end of May and you have a sparkling choice of 11 residential courses – three equalities courses, three advanced negotiations skills, one young members’ education course and a separate young members’ political course, a national political weekend, and one pre-retirement course and one for retired members. Read more below.
Pre-Retirement Course
This course is for members and staff who are nearing retirement.
The course will be held over three days – leaving on the Thursday morning. The date of the course is March 10 to 13, the venue is The View Hotel, Eastbourne.
This course will provide members and staff with a brief understanding of the importance of financial preparedness for retirement in addition to the importance of preparing for one’s wellbeing through-out.
Unite Retired Members’ Education Course
This course is open to retired members to attend. Attendance to this course is by selection. The selection of delegates to attend this course is determined by Regional or National Retired Members Committee that decides to ensure fairness and transparency.
The course will be held over five days at our venue. The date of the course is March 10 to 14, the venue is The View Hotel, Eastbourne.
National Political School Weekend
The date of the course is March 21 to 23; the venue is Aloft Hotel, Birmingham.
The Unite National Political school is open to political activists who want to develop their understanding of the policy positions of Unite and have a better understanding of the political role of trade unions.
This course is open to all Unite workplace reps and branch officers to attend.
The course will look at why work is political, and how different political approaches to industrial and economic strategy has an impact on jobs, pay and conditions. The course will look at Unite’s political strategy to campaign and raise awareness of workers’ demands and ensure politicians deliver real change for working people.
Young Members’ Education Course
The date of the course is March 24 to 28 and the venue is Aloft Hotel, Birmingham.
The selection of delegates to attend this course is based on criteria determined by our National Young Members’ Committee to ensure fairness and transparency.
This course will equip you with the knowledge of Unite’s structures, break down some of the Trade Union Jargon, and most importantly show delegates where Young Members fit into our Union and the next steps to getting involved.
The National Unite Young Members' course is an opportunity for young members from all regions and nations (who do not need to be an Elected Rep) to come together in a relaxed training environment to learn more about Unite and how to get involved.
Young Member Political Education (Weekend) Course
The date of the course is May 9 to 11; the venue is Aloft Hotel, Birmingham.
The selection of delegates to attend this course is based on criteria determined by our National Young Members’ Committee and Regional Political Officer to ensure fairness and transparency.
The industrial relations landscape has never been so political, governments continue to legislate against unions and the wider activist movement, automation and Ai is slowly creeping into our working lives and the threat of climate crisis looms.
Unite operates industrially, politically, and internationally to challenge the issues which confront our members and their families in work and beyond the workplace. This weekend school looks at how you might become more involved with ongoing campaigns.
This is an opportunity for young members from all regions and nations (who do not need to be an Elected Rep) to come together in a relaxed training environment to learn more about Unite and how to get involved. We look forward to welcoming you on our course!
There will be three different courses held over five days at our venue – and you can only attend one course.There will be three different courses held over five days at our venue – and you can only attend one course. The choice is yours… The course dates are March 24 to 28; the venue is The Aloft, Birmingham
There will be three different courses in advanced negotiation skills held over five days at our venue – and you can only attend one course. The choice is yours…
The date of the courses are May 12 to 16; the venue is The View Hotel, Eastbourne.
Advanced Negotiation Skills for Jobs and Jobs of the future
This is an advanced course for senior workplace reps. It will provide reps with the skills to frame your discussions with employers over business strategy and its impact on jobs. This course will examine the nature of work. We will examine jobs in today’s labour market, what shapes those jobs, the economics of work and the nature of supply chains.
The course will look at procurement and investment and you will gain research skills in the context of current industrial and economics challenges such as free-ports, deregulation, industrial restructuring, and automation.
This course is primarily designed for experienced representatives.
Advanced Negotiation Skills for Decent Conditions
This is an advanced course for senior workplace reps. This course is designed to develop senior reps in high level negotiation skills.
We will use a range of techniques including role play and case studies in order to recreate realistic negotiation arenas in which to test and enhance our skills. The course will use a range of techniques including role play and case studies through which our skills can be enhanced.
We will look at working time, work study engineering, performance management, job evaluation, lone working, home, and hybrid working and many other issues common to the negotiating table.
Advanced Negotiation Skills for Pay
This is an advanced course for senior workplace reps. This course will provide activists with an understanding of Unite’s strategy on pay and pay claims.
You will learn how to research and develop pay claims and use the pay claim generator. You will also see the value of forensic methods of interrogating accounts and look at the value of mapping your community to build alliances to support Unite members in furtherance of improving pay and conditions and creating jobs.
You will practice bargaining skills: will look at elements of pay systems including performance pay and you will identify how to build successful member consultation in support of claims.